Contact Information
Office of Admissions and RecruitmentSavannah State University
3219 College Street
P.O.Box 20209
Savannah, GA 31404
(912) 358-4338
Hours: Mon - Fri 8AM to 5PM
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Dual Enrollment
High school students can earn credits towards their high school diploma and college degree.
Dual EnrollmentOffice of Undergraduate Admissions
It will take 5-7 business days after application submission to check your student status. DO NOT RESUBMIT an application after original submission.Select the one that best describes you:
Help Me Pick
High School Student
Attend Savannah State University after graduation from high school or getting a GED
Freshman Tiger Admission
Take college courses at Savannah State University while still in high school (Dual Enroll)
Dual Enrollment
College Student
Transfer to Savannah State University from another college or university
Transfer Tiger Admission
Credit Equivalency Chart
Take some courses at Savannah State University while still enrolled at another college or university
Transient Tiger Admission
Graduate Student
Pursue a graduate degree at Savannah State University
Graduate Admission
Adult / Non-Traditional Student
Graduated high school / received GED more than 5 years ago
Non-Traditional Admission
62 years of age and older
62 and Older Admission
Pursue a 2nd undergraduate degree or take post baccalaureate courses
Post Baccalaureate Admission
Active duty personnel or veterans looking to begin or complete a degree
Military Admissions
International Student
Individuals who are not US citizens or permanent US residents
International Student Admission
Returning SSU Student
Recent Savannah State University students who haven't registered for courses for the last 3 semesters
Re-Admit Tiger Admission
Online Student
Click her to learn more about Online Education.
Spring | November 15 | November 15 | October 15 |
Summer | May 1 | May 1 | March 1 |
Fall Deadline | May 31 | May 31 | June 1 |
*All required documentation must be submitted by the deadline for full consideration.
Contact Information
Office of Admissions and Recruitment
Savannah State University
3219 College Street
P.O.Box 20209
Savannah, GA 31404
Phone: (912) 358-4338