Cadet Training

Basic Military Science

Basic military science courses involve four semesters during the freshman and sophomore years. The student learns leadership and management and acquires essential background knowledge of customs and traditions, weapons, map reading, tactics and survival. Equally important, these courses have the objective of developing self-discipline, integrity and sense of responsibility. MILS 1101, MILS 1102, MILS 2201, MILS 2202.

The program is divided into basic and advanced programs. The basic program focuses on leadership development but also covers subjects such as military history, customs and traditions of the armed forces, Department of Defense Organization and national defense. There is no incurred service obligation for students taking basic course classes. Advanced program courses consist of instruction and practical exercises in management, tactics, ethics, professionalism and continued leadership development. Students taking advanced course classes must contract with the Army and accept a commission in either the Active or Reserve forces upon graduation. There are a variety of options for entry into the advanced course allowing students with no prior military training to still participate. Students enrolled in the advanced course of ROTC attend the 30-day Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) at Fort Knox, Kentucky, during the summer following the junior year. Contracted students also receive a monthly stipend that pays juniors $425 and seniors $425 a month while enrolled in ROTC.

Advanced Military Science

The general objective of this course of instruction is to produce junior officers who by education, training, attitude and inherent qualities are suitable for continued development as army officers. There are two avenues available for entering the advanced program and obtaining a commission as a second lieutenant:

Did you know that new graduate students may be eligible for a two-year scholarship and receive a commission in the Army? You do not even have to have served in the Army before. Speak to someone at the ROTC office (Armstrong Center, Suite 13) to see if you qualify.

Physical Training (PT)

The Eagle Battalion conducts physical training 3 times a week, every week throughout the semester from 6:00AM until 7:00AM. Those involved with Ranger Challenge often work out 4 days of the week, as a certain higher level of physical fitness is required for the events which they are involved.


Physical Training                                                           

Leadership Lab


Field Training Exercises

Combat Water Survival Test

Basic Camp

Advanced Camp

Air Assault


Nurse Summer Training Program

Ranger Challenge

Color Guard