Marine Science Faculty and Staff

Campus Directory



Name /Rank /Email /Phone Research Interests and Projects
Instructional Specialties
Dr. Tara Cox
Ph: 912-358-4097
Spatial ecology and conservation biology of long-lived marine vertebrates, marine and coastal policy and management, and human interactions with marine mammals. Current projects include: Human-interaction behaviors (particularly begging), stock structure and abundance estimates, and characterization of the microbiome in the spleen of common bottlenose dolphins.
Dr. Carla Curran
 Professor Emerita

Physiological adaptations of fishes, metabolic cost of sex change in fishes, larval transport and settlement by juveniles flatfishes, bopyrid isopod parasite prevalence in grass shrimp, recovery of meiofauna in intertidal feeding pits created by rays, and Spartina dieback in coastal Georgia. Although retired, Dr. Curran continues to collaborate with the Marine Science Program.

Dr. Sue Ebanks


Ph: 912-358-4430

Aquatic physiology and toxicology with particular focus on macroinvertebrates. Current projects include: Effects of physically weathered and chemically dispersed crude oil on development and physiological processes in brine shrimp and marsh shrimp species as well as engaging students and underrepresented community youth in the exploration and monitoring of the Lower Ogeechee River Estuary.

Dr. Matthew Gilligan
Professor Emeritus

Dr. Matthew Gilligan formally retired as professor and coordinator of marine sciences at SSU in November 2011 but continued to assist part-time with externally-funded programs as a consultant to the University for years. He and his wife Heidi now reside in Brevard, NC where he volunteers and serves on the board of the Mary C. Jenkins Community and Cultural Center, repairs antiques, explores national forests and rides a recumbent E-trike around town.

Dr. Christopher Hintz


Ph: 912-358-4096

Carbonate chemistry, ocean acidification, technique and method development, and advanced/computer-controlled culture techniques. Current projects include: long-term pCO2-controlled culture for ocean acidification studies, techniques for unattended monitoring of carbonate chemistry, and low-cost, low-effort marine algal biomass production for feedstocks or biofuels.
Dr. Dionne Hoskins-Brown
Fishery Biologist, NOAA Fisheries
Associate Graduate Professor
Ph: 912-358-4289
Trophic ecology, benthic invertebrate habitat, and stakeholder involvement in marine fisheries.

Dr. Amanda Kaltenberg

Associate Professor

Ph: 912-358-3304

Bio-physical Interactions in coastal ocean using acoustic/net sampling and physical oceanographic approaches.
Current projects include Gulf Stream influences on the availability of mesopelagic prey layers.

Dr. Carol Pride
Ph: 912-358-4439
Marine records of climatic and oceanographic change, marine sediments, micropaleontology, and stable isotope biogeochemistry.

Dr. Dwight Ebanks

Assistant Professor

Ph: 912-358-3307

Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Fish and Marine Science Education.

Dr. Laura Treible

Assistant Professor

Ph: 912-358-4438

Jellyfish Ecology, Zooplankton Ecology, Plankton Imaging, Multi-Stressor Studies.

Dr. Victoria Young

Education Expert, NOAA LMRCSC

Ph: 912-358-4291

Community engagement in science; science education in ocean literacy for K12; classroom aquaponics.




Tel. (912)
Mail Center Box #
Dr. Carol Pride
Marine Science Center 106B 20467
Dr. Tara Cox
Marine Science Center 107D  20467
Dr. Carla Curran
Dr. Dwight Ebanks
Marine Science Center 108B 20467
Dr. Sue Ebanks
Marine Science Center 108A
Dr. Matt Gilligan 20467
Dr. Chris Hintz

Marine Science Center

108D  20467
Dr. Dionne Hoskins-Brown
Marine Science Center 107E 20228
Dr. Amanda Kaltenberg
Marine Science Center 107B 20467
Dr. Laura Treible
Marine Science Center 108C 20467
Dr. Victoria Young
Marine Science Center 107C 20467
Robin Perrtree
Marine Science Center 111 20467
Capt. Shawn Smith
Marine Science Center 106A 20467
Rachael Keaton Buskirk
Marine Science Center 112 20467
Sugeiry Rivera 358-4101 Marine Science Center 106 20467


Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
Adjunct Graduate Faculty

ALEXANDER, Clark, Director and Professor
Ph.D., North Carolina State University.
Phone: (912)598-2329
FRISCHER, Marc E., Professor
Ph.D., University of South Florida.
Phone: (912)598-2308