How to Get Involved

Faculty and Staff

Faculty Development Seminar: "The Write Attitude" Faculty Development Seminar is an 8-week instructional program led by Dr. Lisa Yount, Ph.D, designed to teach the best practices in pedagogy and writing instruction across the curriculum.

Faculty Development Workshop: The QEP Faculty Development Workshop is designed to keep faculty members abreast of the latest pedagogical innovations in writing instruction.

Faculty Writing Fellowship: Faculty Writing Fellows (FWFs) are faculty members that dedicate hours at the SSU Writing Center, assisting students with their writing.


QEP Ambassadors: The QEP Student Ambassadors are volunteers that assist in hosting campus initiatives and events that influence the larger student population to participate in and embody "The Write Attitude."

Student Writing Fellowship: These skilled student employees are paired with professors who request additional assistance with the writing in their courses.

Peer Tutors: Peer Tutors are student employees that assist other students with their writing projects.

Event Collaborations: The QEP is open to partnering with other organizations, both on and off campus.