Applied Math Mentored Research and Internship Experiences
STEM major
Rising junior level or higher
Declared applied math minor
Minimum GPA of 3.0
The application review committee will select highly qualified and motivated students based on short essay, resume, GPA and letter of recommendation. Awards are made each fall to provide two semesters (fall/spring) of AY research training and one summer internship/research training experience. The awards are limited to 12-month duration, to open up the opportunity to other students the next year.
After students are selected for this opportunity, they will be paired with an appropriate mentor(s). Co-mentoring by faculty from both math and other STEM departments will be encouraged. The research training will emphasize on applied math projects.
Students will receive $5,400 for stipend per award and $1,025 for conference travel.
Contact: Agegnehu Atena at 912-358-4274 or
Project Report