How Does Online Learning Work?
Online education provides students with the opportunity to take courses in a more convenient format. Online courses are taught by the same SSU faculty in an active and collaborative learning environment. Students taking courses online have access to the same services provided to on-campus students.
SSU's online courses are designed to have minimal face-to-face meetings so students may learn at home, while stationed abroad, or while traveling. Communication with the instructor and classmates is generally electronic, by means of email, wiki, blog, or online discussion forums. Some courses use real-time, two-way audio/video, and application sharing software. All courses utilize textbooks, assignments, exams, student-centered interaction, and other features that enhance student learning. Academic integrity is a hallmark of the true collegian and students in online courses are required to the same policies as stated in the University Catalog, which includes policies against plagiarism.
Instructional method definitions can be found on the home page for the CLASS SCHEDULE.