Procurement - How Do I

How Do I...Buy Goods?

How Do I...Buy Services?

How do I...Buy Office Supplies?

The Georgia Department of Administrative Services has entered into a statewide contract with Staples Advantage for the provision of office supplies. The contract offers:

Note: Purchases of furniture and computer equipment must NOT be made from this source (as there exist other statewide contracts for these items.)

Use of the statewide contract should be a department's first source for office supplies. In the unlikely event that desired items are not found in the catalog, please send an email describing the needed purchase to

How do I...Buy Furniture?

The Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) has created statewide contracts with a large number of furniture vendors. The vendors and instructions for ordering off the contracts can be accessed on the DOAS website. The link takes the user to an alphabetized list of all state contracts, and "furniture" contracts are easily found on the list. In general, please follow the purchasing instructions for how to buy goods.

How do I...Buy Computers, Printers, and IT Related Items?

Contact Information Technology to advise them on needed items. IT will then supply approved specifications and quote. The quote provided will be used to create an e-requisition. (See instructions on entering e-requisitions).


How do I...Hire a Doctor, Lawyer, or Other Professional?

From time to time, the University requires the consulting services of professionals such as architects, lawyers or doctors. When these professionals are engaged to provide services that are related to their licenses, they are exempt from State competitive purchasing rules and regulations.

The following services are statutorily defined as "professions" or "professional services": certified public accountancy, actuarial services, architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, licensed or accredited appraisers or licensed or accredited financial analysts providing opinions of value, chiropractic, dentistry, professional engineering, podiatry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, registered professional nursing, harbor piloting, land surveying, law, psychology, medicine and surgery, optometry, and osteopathy.