International Education News


    Peace Corps Prep Certification

    Savannah State is an official Peace Corps Prep location allowing students to become federally certified as completing entry-level hours of preparedness training directly related to Peace Corps. Students do not have to join the Peace Corps in order to obtain the certificate, however, completion of the certificate counts as training hours for the Peace Corps, should they choose to join. The certificate serves as additional points in the application process for any federal organization as a nationally recognized certification.

    As part of the certification partnership, Peace Corps sectors were matched with SSU majors to maximize required SSU classes and training hours for the Peace Corps. Each sector requires learning in four areas: training and experience within the major, foreign language skills, intercultural competence, and professional and leadership development. These requirements can be fulfilled through current courses or with extra guidance to ensure proficiency for the program.

    The Peace Corps offers placements in the areas of education, health, environment, agriculture, youth in development and community economic development. SSU majors that often encompass these areas are teacher education, biology, chemistry, environmental science, marine science, social work, sociology, computer science technology, homeland security and emergency management, urban studies, political science, public administration, business administration and global logistics.

    Click here to see a Peace Corps panel discussion, Being black and abroad, featuring SSU Graduate, Mr. Immanuel Golden.

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